Singapore Maritime Census Updated

The part of continuous efforts to support the development of Maritime Singapore, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has been conducting annual industry surveys under the Statistics Act 1973 (“Statistics Act”) to collect timely statistics on the maritime industry’s activities, technology, sustainability and manpower developments.

Aggregated statistics compiled from the collected data will be used to assist in policy making and development of programmes to benefit the Maritime Singapore community.

The Maritime Census will cover the following sectors:
Ship Owning/Operating
Ship Agency
Ship Management
Harbour craft, Pleasure craft and Bunkering
Ship Chandling
Port Operator, Stevedoring & Lighterage
Ship Broking
Classification Society & Marine Surveying
Maritime Technology

How is has to be conducted?

From 2024, the Maritime Census adopts a sampling approach that ensures representative coverage and minimises respondent burden. Maritime firms selected for the survey will be notified by email or post by Aug 2024 to complete the survey online via the Maritime Industry Survey Portal.
Participation and co-operation of the selected firms are important to us to ensure that the data compiled are representative across the sectors. Firms selected are required to complete the survey under the Statistics Act, and submission of the survey returns is compulsory. The submitted data will be kept confidential under the Statistics Act.

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